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Saturday, March 15, 2008

Guide to Answer-What is the Accomplishment You Are Most Proud of?

Hey, I am back with what I promised in my previous post. I was telling the world how to answer the interview question- What is the accomplishment you are most proud of?

If you are new to this blog site please read my previous post first. Just look at the right under the title Recent Posts and choose the title- What is the accomplishment you are most proud of? Here is the step by step guide to best answer the question regarding you accomplishment.

Choose the your most recent accomplishment. You will be very excited and your facial expression will be most impressive while talking about something that took place recently. This will also make your accomplishment more realistic to take into account by the interviewer.

Make up your mind to match the perfect relevancy to the position you have applied for. This means you will not be talking about how smart you were in the last basketball tournament while you are getting interviewed for a position of an accountant.

Choose a pair of fresh jobs done based on the job description and the job specification available. If you are null about the job take a step to call the organization or arrange a meet to someone in there. More information means more power. Remember information is the strongest weapon in this era.

Be honest. Do not exaggerate your achievement. Never tell a lie. If you are weak at something, tell them how hard you are trying to become smarter.

Link your accomplishment in such a way that the interviewer will see that you are the one they have been looking for. Just tell in clear words how you think your stated accomplishment will make things better for the organization.
Here are some inspirational quotes for you.

It was a high counsel that I once heard given to a young person, "Always do what you are afraid to do.
-Ralph Waldo Emerson

Take calculated risks. That is quite different from being rash.
-George S. Patton

We are all inventors, each sailing out on a voyage of discovery, guided each by a private chart, of which there is no duplicate. The world is all gates, all opportunities.
-Ralph Waldo Emerson

Thursday, March 13, 2008

What is the accomplishment you are most proud of?

The similar questions can be: What are the accomplishments you are most proud of?
Can you explain me a job you did that you think is of greatest value? What are the greatest jobs done by you?

Whatever be the question, but the people interviewing you wants you tell them what big jobs you have done. You need to tell them what smart things you did and what skills you gained by doing those great things.

I hope you are not taking it so easy. Because there are three kinds of people in the world, believe me.

One: those who accomplish minor and exaggerate louder.
Second: those who do great jobs but cannot earn credit of it.
Third: Those who accomplish great things and make fame of it.

If you are an average, I am sure you fall in any of these two categories. And you are hard to escape. Got point? Yeah, you have to prepare to protect yourself from being a failure and you should make yourself strong to avoid falling into above stated categories. It is a must for better career.

As you read through the posts of this blog, you came to know that. I have stressed on the necessity of understanding exactly what the question looks for. If you come to the point, points will come to you with highest probability of winning the interview and getting the best job!

So let me tell you the facts that the interviewer expects from you by asking this question: What accomplishments you are most proud of? Or tell me the best job you have ever done.

The interviewer expects the following by asking you the mentioned question.

1. He wants to evaluate you by examining the worth of best things you have done. You are what you did. You heard them tell-“You are what you think. You are what you do”.

And I have two sentences to add: “You are what you think. You are what you eat.” And never forget another truth: “You are what your friend is”. You are what you except to be-real expectation-not a gambling!

The interviewer wants to know you by your best part.

2. The interviewer wants to know how you worked to achieve success. In other words, he wants to measure your strength. Success comes after hard work. By listing your answer s/he will know you work.

3. The interviewer wants to explore your potentials. He wants to map his organization with the possibilities within you.

For these reasons, the interviewer wants to listen the best story from you. You may have so many stories. Now tell me have you the skill to tell it in the best possible way? Wait until my next post just within half a week!!

Here are some statements to remind you how hard should one work to be successful.

The one thing that matters is the effort. It continues, whereas the end to be attained is but an illusion of the climber, as he fares on and on from crest to crest; and once the goal is reached it has no meaning.

~Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, The Wisdom of the Sands, translated from French by Stuart Gilbert
I'm a great believer in luck, and I find the harder I work the more I have of it.
~Thomas Jefferson
Character is what emerges from all the little things you were too busy to do yesterday, but did anyway.
~Mignon McLaughlin, The Second Neurotic's Notebook, 1966

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Tough Interview Question: Why did you leave your last job?

People might have to leave their job for various reasons. Living of people determines their nature. Habits firmly establish nature and mostly it is nature of people that makes them smart, moderate or unsuitable for particular jobs.

You must have heard specialists say, “Do what you love. Love what you do.” So you need not to quit your job if you have all your heart in it. But human is slave of circumstances. Don’t blame be of being a kind who leaves everything in future’s hand. But it is not the rule of nature. However, if you want to succeed, you must stay hard in your way. Don’t let circumstances decide new you love, but create the circumstances you need to succeed. Right now I remember George Bernard Shaw. Let me recite him first.

"People are always blaming their circumstances for what they are. I don't believe in circumstances. The people who get on in this world are the people who get up and look for the circumstances they want, and if they can't find them, make them."
-George Bernard Shaw

But still people quit jobs and look for new ones. In the lack of such mobility, organization becomes idle. No fresh air circulates among the employee. No motivation, no dream. No enthusiasm. Remember then what will happen to world of economy.

So you must assure yourself that you did not commit a crime by quitting your last job. Whatever be the reason, fill you mind with the thoughts of superiority. You had to quit it, and you quit it. No need to explain. Fell as free as the bird in the sky above you head.

Tips: Never feel guilty of quitting a job. Assure yourself that you have good reasons to quit it.

But you must tell the interviewer exactly why you leave your last job. You may wish to know why he is asking you to tell him/her the secret. Here are the reasons:

#1 The interviewer wants to understand your attitude towards your previous workplace, environment, boss, employee and co-workers. This helps the interviewer to map your potential in his/her organization in terms your personality and adaptation capability.

#2 The interviewer wants to knew what is the key point around which your ego revolves or on what your satisfaction resides.

#3 The interviewer wants to evaluate you in terms of your need, expectation and you ability towards grabbing opportunity.

Then what is the best way to tell the reasons for a job quitted recently. Question is important. And this one is more important.

“All animals are equal. But some animals are more equal”.
-George Orwell in The Animal Farm

Here is the step-by-step guide to best answer the question- why did you leave your last job?

#1 Tell the interviewer an exact reason. Do not it in the ‘this and that’ fashion. Being concentrated to the main reason makes your answer clear and believable.

#2 Justify your answer by backing it with some details. Make the backing reasons genuine.

#3 Put yourself in the center of the story. You did not quit your job because one of your relatives had to be hospitalized for a long time. But rather you quit your job to let your employee chose someone else to replace you so that they could smoothly run in you very frequent absence. Alternatively, you quit job because you decided to support your father in his business. You helped him for complete 2 years and now you are back in search of job like this one.

#4 Never ever blame your past co-workers or employers even if you have genuine reasons to do so. It is ok to talk about high risk of job but it is the riskiest to tell any bad words about your past organization and any of its human components. Remember blaming others means you have habit to find reason to do so.

#5 While answering, do not forget that you are just justifying the last job you quit and you are not going to include your experience of vacancy after quitting the job. Rather tell him that you are now freely and hopefully looking for joining an organization that can be fit for you.

Just for your refreshment here are two more statements from George Bernard Shaw.

"The reasonable man adapts himself to the conditions that surround him... The unreasonable man adapts surrounding conditions to himself... All progress depends on the unreasonable man."

"The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place"

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Best Example of Engineer's Cover Letter For .NET Programmer's Post

Ganapath-3 Kathmandu, Nepal
Residence: 4444444

Cell: 9841XXXX
Date: February 23, 2008

Human Resource Manager
Software Developmentl Pvt. Ltd.
Thamel, Kathmandu

Dear Sir,
I am writing to express my interest in the .NET Programmers post for your organization as mentioned in the national daily 'The NewRoad Times' on February 24, 2008, and have enclosed my resume for your consideration.

I am a computer engineer with much enthusiasm and experience in developing software systems. I have the experience of leading, organizing and successfully accomplishing software projects with rich set of feature and functionality. Especially, I have been successful in bending abstract system requirements into real software solutions having high security and performance. I have listed below my strengths that will help you learn my background in software development.

Ø Excellent ability in analyzing requirements and bending them into real software solutions
Ø Quick in learning and adopting new technology and smart in best utilizing resources
Ø Speedy in making development strategy and fast in developing solutions
Ø Strong command over team management and leadership
Ø Strong power in delivering complex task and getting with long and tedious working environment

With strong communication, team cooperation and programming capability, I am confident I can be a valuable asset in both software development teams and promotion.

I would welcome the opportunity to interview with your selection team and look forward to hearing from you in the near future. Thank you for your time and consideration.


Sanjita Paudel
Computer Engineer

Friday, February 22, 2008

Cover Letter For Resume Of A Computer Engineer As A C# Developer/Programmer

I hope the image below will tell everything.

Please download it to your local machine and view it. Sorry that it is not clear to view directly.

"The smallest change in perspective can transform a life. What tiny attitude adjustment might turn your world around?"

"How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world."
Anne Frank

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Typical Interview Question: What Are Your Greatest Weaknesses?

Interviewer may ask you this question in a normal and usual way. But be quick enough to read his face while he is asking this question. You will be surprised at how hard he is trying to save his face from trying showing unusual expressions. Simply put, interviewers themselves will be feeling uneasy while putting such a question before you. And there are reasons for this.

People hardly dare to ask a person about his weaknesses. But you can hear them praising a person for his good points. As a nature, we do not ask even our best friends to tell about what they are weak at. Nor we enjoy such questions asked to us. I have an experience. Let me tell this first. Then I will tell you the secrets of answering the question- What are your great weaknesses?

Those days I was practicing positive thinking. As one of the rules, I had prepared a list with two columns. One column was for my positive points and another was for negative points. I filled it with some points according to what I found in myself. But I had realized that what others see in me could be the real measure of what I was. So I had to find a chance to make others make note on my weaknesses.

In one of my laboratory classes, a friend of mine noticed me very happy. He signaled that 'something' interesting was going with me. And he spent some words to tell others how impressing and hard working I was. I felt uneasy at this. But I took a chance and nobly praised him to note out my weaknesses. To my surprise, no one in the laboratory was ready to see weaknesses in me. I could never ask them again to help me find my weaknesses as seen by the world. Now I realize that we should observe how other people behave with us and take into account how they are judging us.

By this time you must have discovered why the questions regarding to one's weaknesses are so typical and special too. If my story did not make it clear, just remember in a nutshell that people will not ask you about your weaknesses nor they tell you anything about it (they will peep into you to find your weaknesses and behave accordingly!).

Then why this extraordinary interviewer asking you the same question. Has he been too generous to help you know your weaknesses or he has gone crazy? Remember that before mixing you in their environment, they want to be sure what a taste you are. This question is one of the measures of your 'taste'. This question tests your taste!!

Here is the pointed evaluation why the interviewer is asking you to tell him what your major weaknesses are.

1# First of all, the interviewer wants to understand you. Remember you identify people for their weaknesses more than you do recognize them for their good points.

2# He is trying to see how you take yourself. In other words, he wants to find out who you are in your own eyes or how well do you know yourself.

3# The interviewer wishes to estimate your 'evolution'. This means he has an intensive to know how you led yourself in the times of adversity and how you have established your strengths.

4# The interviewer wants to know what environment best suits you.

So try to make your answer clear and specific. Be honest and transparent. But be careful- transparency has levels and you should not give the interviewer any chance to underestimate you. Interview wasn't meant to be easy in this world! You have to be perfect in give-and-take!!

Here are the points you must consider while handling the situation born by the very question.

1# Have a list of the points you are weak at. Be specific to the job position you have applied for. For example, if you are a software developer, you may be good at programming but weak at designing pages. But you poor management skill must not be taken as you weakness, at least for the position of software developer.

2# Don't present your weakness as a serious issue. Just put it before the interviewer in a usual way. Do not say that you are anxious about your weakness. Use moderate sentences.

"I am a little weak in managing team."

"I have some problem with customer-dealing".

Note the words- "little weak" and "some problem". These words are moderating your sentences and helping you balance your expression.

3# If you are talking about your weakness, you must have at least one reason that encapsulates your truth. Not clear? Let me repeat the two sentences presented earlier.

"I am little weak in managing a team. I can not make my voice commanding when it is necessary to do so."

"I have some problems in dealing with customers. I get nervous when I have to deal with a mass at once."

But keep in mind you should never make a story on why you are weak at something.

4# Never forget to end your answer by dropping clues on how you are working to get better with your discussed weakness. Doing so makes the impression that you are not a man of problems only (there is no human without any problems) but you are conscious to solve them too.

"But I am getting better with team management. Recently I read a book on good team management. I am getting well around it."

"But I am trying hard. Recently I have felt that I am getting confident in dealing with mass. I now believe this is a matter of practice."

Answering this way enables you to kill two birds with one stone. Surprised how? First of all you are showing that you are honest. This will impress the interviewer and you will be making a bridge between yourself and the interviewer. Second you are committing yourself to improve your situation by overcoming your weaknesses. When you honestly confess your weaknesses before someone you have walked the first step towards correcting them.

Careful! Do not tell the interviewer that you have no weaknesses. Even do not say that you have not found any problem within you. Be careful to not to reference any friends or family members or anyone to recite anything related to your weakness. You must be showing that you are conscious enough to observer and evaluate yourself. This is a must for your personality.
"The amount of love you show to your neighbor reflects how much you love yourself."
Tessy Igbinoghene
"Man is born to live, not to prepare for life."
Boris Pasternak

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Why Do You Want To Work Here?

This is a simple question and you need not to worry about its zigzags (at least from now onwards!). Let us first inspect why the interviewers ask this question.
1. First of all he wants to know how much you know about the organization.
2. He is trying to see if you have any prior information about the organization's culture and the structure.
3. He intends to see if you truly want to work in the organization.
4. He wants to explore how you see yourself in the prospective position.
So you have to satisfy the interviewer by showing him that you really want to be a part of the organization. It is not difficult to do so. Follow the steps below.
Praise the organization
First of all spend a few words to praise the organization for its performance and how the public see it.
"I am very interested to work in the big and successful organization like this one."
But there is a difficulty if the organization is not 'big' enough to praise like that. Easy! In such situation, either do not use the adjective 'big' or use words like 'well managed'. (Management is always proud of their organization!).
"I am highly influenced by the profile of your organization."
Display the information you have
Tell something you know about the organization. You can restate it from the organization's website. You can even recite someone you know in the organization. Alternatively you can speak some words on their service or product. Don't forget to associate their performance with what you explain. It is quite better if you can make a comment about the latest award they won.
"Your organization stood first in the race of customer service this year."
"Your organization has earned high valued belief from your customers."
"There are very few successful organizations in the country. Yours is the one."
Show your interest
Inform that you are genuinely interested to work in the organization. This will touch the interviewer, truly!
"I am highly interested to work in such an environment. This suits my nature also."
Map your role
Now is the time to state how you will find yourself in the organization through the position for which you are being interviewed. This helps the interviewer to naturally incline towards the expectation of your presence in the organization.
"As a system engineer, I can provide high quality service in the existing and upcoming systems of your organization."
"If you wish to achieve worthwhile things in your personal and career life, you must become a worthwhile person in your own self-development."
By Brian Tracy
Are the clues I suggested effective? Please comment them along with your own experiences. You can put the comment for each post. You can contact me at

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Why Should We Employ You?

Expect this question to be asked at the beginning phase of an interview. By asking this question, the interviewer desires to know how are you taking your being candidate to the position. Proper handling of this question highlights your importance for the position. So be careful while answering this question. I have tried to provide you some hints here.

1. Prepare your answer to attack the organization's major intention. For example, if they need a good accountant, you must say- I have sound knowledge of accounting.

2. Justify your declaration by backing your experiences. For example, the accountant says- I have much experience of having worked as a competent accountant.

3. Now shortly elaborate your experience. You might like to say- I have done accounting in for .

4. Tell how your previous employer evaluated your job. Tell them about the time you were appreciated for your work. But be careful to not mention more than one story. So pick and determine the most precious story before you go for an interview.

5. Now this is time to drop two or three points about your personality. You can say- I am hard working and self starting.

Besides following these points, there are some points to be careful about.

1. Don’t stress them to hire you.

2. Never use unusual words like ‘most intelligent’, ‘most deserving’ etc.

3. Do not make your answer full of sentences like ‘I am the best accountant’ or ‘I am the hardest working’. Use of such sentences makes bad impression if they are used unusually.
4. Don’t forget about your time limitation. You have not only this question to answer; tough ones are still to come.
Everything is relative. My tips are too. They only help you see the big picture. Have your said in the comments please. You can contact me at

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Tell Me About Yourself

This is probably the first question every interviewer asks you. And most of the interviewees fail to give exact answer. Why? Because this question is not as easy to answer as one thinks. So my advice is: Don't tell them about yourself! Rather tell them how confident you are and what special knowledge you have and how much experienced you are. But tell all these in a tailored fashion. To win a tactful question as this one, one has to already make up his mind. To help to prepare oneself , I am answering this great question.

What does the interviewer want?
Here are the points.
1. He wants you to start the conversation.
2. He wants to know how you present yourself.
3. He is trying to estimate you- 'You are what you speak!'.
4. He wants to see if you have sufficient communication skills.
5. Lastly, he wants to fire the interview process. At least one has to speak first!!

What should be your answer?
Here are the clues.
1. Start by briefly introducing yourself. But not much. Try out like this: I am a computer engineer with distinction from <your college name>. I am an energetic and self starting person. I have friendly attitude and I am very enthusiastic in programming.

2. Since you have to complete your answer within two minutes (at most), now directly jump into what you have to offer to the organization. State your experiences and the projects you have been involved. Stress on your knowledge in the specific field.

3. End by focusing on your usefulness to the organization. You can say: I hope I can do a lot in the environment like your organization's.

How to balance your answer?

Try to figure out the employer's mentality. If he is showing disinterest which you can guess through the gestures he is showing, just pause lightly and stress on other points. But never make your presentation longer than two minutes.

Use simple and impressive words. Tough words can not win the interviewer. Be information oriented. Remember that few words with high information always improve conversations. Do not try to pour all your answers at once. Rather prioritize your points and present them in a smooth flow.
If the interviewer is trying to pause you, be quick to respond. Just terminate your last word and be pointed towards his face as if you are waiting another question. It is always best to evaluate your performance after you answer a question. Think for 5 seconds, could you tell him well about yourself? Your own evaluation can make further conversation easy and effective.

Are the clues I suggested effective? Please comment them along with your own experiences. You can put the comment below each post. You can contact me at

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